Wednesday, February 15, 2017

I open my eyes fast as i got hit by a slice of stale bread, which was thrown by a guard that was standing at door of bars. “Wake up,” the guard said as he tossed another piece of bread. I sat up having my attention directed towards the guard. As the guard went to opened his mouth to talk i quickly ask “Where am I?”  as my eyes drift around looking at the metallic walls surrounding me. Because of this i know it is a jail cell, but i don't remember how i even got here.
    “You're in Lycklig Gud Prison.” my eyes widened as i heared this. I heard of this place, i was even out possessed here i. This place is a high security prison made to hold the worst of all trash. But why am i here, why am i here in the cell? I spent four years keeping people in the cells so why am i on this side of the bars?
    I rolled to my stomach i pushed up against the hay pile they call a bed. As i got to my feet i walked towards the cell’s metal bars. I looked at the guarded and asked “Why am i here?”
The guard looked at me and raised his hat, as then said “this is why you deserve to be in here” i looked at am in confusion. I can tell i must have really messed up but what have i done? “You're pathetic, all i know is that you failed the one important job you had.” he said all this with a angered look but with a confused tone. “WHAT happened?” when these word left my mouth in the tone they did he gave me a wave of his electra-rod. I watched as it shot out sparks , and i watched as the sparks turn into bolts of energy jumping into the cell bars.
    As he waved this he said “Shut up or i will make you by force!” i then directed my focus off the electricity straight into his eyes with a frustrated stare, and i said “ then just tell me why i am here!” Hey then slow pressed the button on the side of my cell, i then watched as he then walked the the door. I just thought to myself how i could easily taken this guy down with my extensive combat training. As he got closer to me he raised his electra-rod in the air and swung two times into the air. As i dodge all his attacks i have been scooting back but unfortunately this cell is small and it didn't take long for me to hit my back into the wall. As he raise his hand into the air i said one last time to him “what happened?” this guard then lowered his arm a bit to his side and said to me “the queen is dead.”
    My body locked up for a second after hearing this. I stood there as the guard went to swing at me. The electra-rod was only inches from my face when the huge speakers said the “cell 13 in sector B2, the execution room is ready.” I opened my eyes to see that the guard has stopped the swing and has lowered his weapon. “What happened? Why didn't you Swing?” i said as i looked at him. As he walked back to the door he turned and gave a smirk, and said “time to go.” i then took 4 steps forward before he went behind me and striked me with the Electra-rod. It didn't take long for everything to fade to black as i fell unconscious on the floor hitting my head on the bed.
    As every thing faded back to color, i was a chair next to a structure. I am unsure what this structure is since i have never taken any one to the execution room. I sat on the chair thinking, not about the fact i am about to die but more so the fact that i failed me job of protecting the queen. But i do not know how i failed. I was out side the king and queens bedroom. There was a window there but there was no way someone could have scaled a tower that tall, at least not my hand. Although they could have been done by ship. But this still doesn't add up. Why would they kill the loving queen but not the greedy king? I don't even know what's the point of even arguing with it i am going to die for my mistake, i messed up and i deserve to get punished. I looked over to the sound of foot steps, it's the executioner. He grabbed me and pulled me onto the platform, on the way there i could hear the grunts and heavy breathing through his nose. As we went up the stairs to the top of the structure i saw a noose. As i stood on the barrel and put my head into the loop, i saw the king walk over to me. HE walked past me pacing back and forth until he finally stopped and turned to me and said “ you have fail, you have failed not just me but the entire nation of England. You have taken the symbol of happiness away from many. And not to mention, your lover.” my eyes opened as i heared this. No one knew about this at least so i thought. The king continues “heh.. Heh that's right i know you and her have been together. But no matter you shall pay for the wrongdoings of that and the failure of your job. Any last word?” i looked the king in the face and said “if only i was able to get one last chance, so i can slit the throat of the man who did the same to our dear queen.” the king then nod to the executioner, then i dropped as i fell the small distance i took my last breath. As the world around me faded to black once more the king said to me “you may not get another chance, as i do not wish to get my throat slit. Not today not any day.” at that time i finally got the last piece of the puzzle i finally know what happened, why every one but the king died but he just left with i cut along his face. I then followed the sound of his voice and swung my leg forward. I did it, i kicked his sheath causing his sword to fly into the air. I then grabbed the sword and swung it above my head into the ropes. I then dropped down a chute. At the bottom of the chute was six dead bodies. As i got to my feet i looked around for the sword. This task was hard as it was dark and misty in here. Luckily i found it, it was half way into a  corpse. I stopped and pulled the sword out. As i did so i looked at him man and i noticed it was my younger brother, he was always falling in my foot prints but i never thought it would get him killed. I didn't want to be in here any more. As i walked to the door the floor began to shift. The floor opened and i dropped and so did the corpses, right onto a ship. I looked at the floor of the body room close again and the ship i was on flew away as we got to a certain point i saw a marchet below us. I lean to one side of the ship, trying to see as much as i can past the huge balloon on the side of the airship. I saw that he began to stop because we are by a graveyard as i saw the floor drop on this ship i quickly grabbed a rope. And as i fell through the  ship i slide down the rope until i was only a few meter off the ground but i silently began to rise again so i drop. I landed on the corpse of some woman. I then rolled off and ran to the market. On the way there i realized i am covered with blood. I really didn't want to go to a public area like this. As i walked down a road i saw a guard walk into a corner. I then sneaked up to him and covered his mouth and nose to knock him out since i didn't want to kill him. As i changed into his uniform, i grabbed his gun. A then walked to the market area. As i got there i went straight to the pub. I am going to use the 23 Coins i got from the guard to buy something to take my mind off things.
As i am drunk, half with rage and the other half of alchohol i asked the bartender if they know anything about the Down zone in the area. The bartender didn't know anything. Although as i ordered my fourth tankard of rum, a mysterious looking lady walked up to me and said “you want to go to the down zone near bye?” i then looked at one of the four blurry images of her hoping it was the correct one and said “yes, because i need to get something there.. Oh and don't mind the uniform… i just stole it off a- a-... a floor… yeah, i stole this off a floor...wait, yeah” The girl looked at me and said “ok i will take you.”
We both walked for about two hours through alleys and streets and even on some roof tops. As we walk and i can finally see clearer i asked “what is your name?” but the lady just looked at me and said “don’t to ask questions.” as we came to this alleyway she said we are close and we both walked down. As we walked down the alley the lady stopped and said “Right down there.” as she pointed her leather covered hand down an alley that looks exiled of life but for the roaches running from the rats down the alley. There is a door that is marked with a bright red cross. Seeing this made a chill go down my spine.  As I turned to look at the hooded lady, the lower half of her face was covered by a dark brown burlap rag that ran across it. The rag waved back and forth with every breath she took, I pulled a rag over my face as well. All i could see of her face was her light brown eyes. As I reached into my pocket to grab the pouch of money I promised her there was a loud whistle followed by dogs barking that echoed down the maze of alleys. I then drop the pouch back into my pocket and reached for my holster. I put my back against the wall and drew my weapon. The hooded lady quickly said “stop, not here… not now!” as she reached for my arm and pinned me against the wall. I didn't know what to say exactly, so I kept my mouth shut although I was wondering what she was going to do.
There was no way she could outrun the guards with their hounds. “What are we going to do then?” as I pried her hand off my arm “WE.. no, YOU’RE going to your destination safely.” as she takes a step back and points to the door. “Why do you care about me?” I asked, as I watch her pull a rag out of her coat pocket. As she turned to me and stared straight into my eyes with the Rag in her hand she said “I don't care about you, I just care about my next paycheck; NOW QUICKLY GET INSIDE!”
As I turn as face the door my the hairs on my neck rose. With guard crickley on there way there way i walked with each step getting faster and faster, i can feel my heart beat hard and hard the closer i get to the door. As i reached my hand out to grab the doorknob i thought to myself, why this house out of all places in this god forsaken City? My hand is inches away from the door when i stopped to think what am i doing. I don't even know what is behind this door. As i look back at the hooded lady she was gone. So i guess she has a plan that she just isn't telling me, so i put my hand on the doorknob and twisted it around.
I opened the door slowly with caution. The more the door opened the more it revealed a dark ery room which looks rundown and empty of life, all but the roaches that scattered when the light gleamed off their dark brown exoskeleton. As i took  a step into the dark room i heard multiply crunches coming from the ground. I look down to see what that  was and it was multiple smooshed Roaches that just got flattened by my leather boots cover by my Sabatons. I looked back up and walked forward confused where to to go. I stopped and turned to my right to see the lady through a crack in between the board covering the window. I turned back to close the door behind me, as i did that the room faded to darkness the only bit of light is coming from the crack in the boards as the light shines into the room you see the thin layer of fog coating the floor. I walk towards the window to see what she is going to do. I watched her as she held that rag in the middle of the alley.
“She is just standing there. Why is she just standing there?” i whispered to myself. I began to look at my surrounding to see why this place looks like this. If it was just abandoned it wouldn't look like this. The furnisher is smashed there is beer stains on the wall and tried blood all over the walls and scattered throughout the house. As i was trying to put stuff together i heard the guards with the hounds get closer. I looked at the window and put my face to the boards and looked through the crack to see what was happening. As she stood there facing the guards with their hounds she began to say that she had the plague and that they should get out of there, one of the guard said that she was bluffing and that she is a wanted criminal. At that moment i saw her eyes open wide and the guards cracked a smile while the hounds went up to smell the rag. She then pulled off the rags of the lower half of her face to reveal that her nose has rotted off with the plague. And she also removed her leather gloves to reveal her pitch black fingers. As all the guards smiles faded to a terrified look as they jerked the hounds away. She then turned and put on her gloves on her hands and rag back over her face and began to walk toward the door. I quickly jumped and walked to the other side of the room. As she opened the door i looked at her and said “where now.” she shortly replied with “just follow me!” as she walked to towards the corner on the far end of the room.
    As soon as she got there she stopped. “What did you see?” she asked in a serious tone in her voice. “Nothing.” i said as i try desperately try not to stutter, since i know that i do when i try lie. She looked down at a rug and she pulled it up. Under that rug was a trapdoor. As i looked at the lady as i think of what i saw, she climbed down a ladder. I soon followed her down.
    As whe walked down this  tunnel under the house that the trapdoor lead to, i hear laughter and yelling. The closer i got the the other end the louder it got. She stopped and opened the door and we walked in. as soon as we stepped in it went silent. It was like this for a few seconds until the bartender laughs and yelled “HEY! Look who is here… and who is this you have with you alexis?” as she tuned to the bartender she said “this is a NOBODY just someone who owes me my pay!” as she points at me. “Yeah i know i didn't forget.” i said as i looked around “But how about i buy you a drink, alexis?” as i walk to the bar. “Sure but you still owe me money. Oh and DON'T call me Alexis!” she said as followed me. We both sat down and i order her a drink. When she began to drink i asked “What was with the rag?”
“What rag?”
“The rag you had when the guards were here”
“Oh, that rag was covered with cocaine and dried rabbits blood.”
“Well the cocaine to make the dog unable to smell and the rabbits blood to make the dogs sniff the rag.” she said as she pulled out the rag. “Thats smart!” i said as i looked at the rag in her hand. I then looked down to my drink and said “I’m sorry” “what for?” she asked. “I saw your hands and face.” i whispered under my breath, just loud enough so she can hear me. I looked up to see her shake her head in disappointment. “You know, that is why i need this money… there is this doctor and there are rumors that he can heal me.” she said as i reached into my pocket to grab my pouch of money. I pulled one of the two pouches out and handed it over to her. As i stood up i looked at her and said “if you need money going as low as stealing and being a hired thug isn't a great way of doing so.”
“I know it is a great why, but it is the fastest!”
“yeah, the fastest at getting you killed!” I then looked up at the bartender and asked of him if he knew anything about a airship for sale. “I do. But the man you need to ask is not here”
“Who is it that i need”
“I can't tell you the name”
“Why not” i said as i looked at his hand slowly reaching out. “You want money?”
“Yes how did you guess” he said as he gave off a grin. I reach into my pocket and pulled my pouch of many out of my pocket and placed it into his hand, not soon after he said to me “His name is Jonas and he works at the markets, he is located behind a food for less. Just tell him, the sky is gray.”
“The sky is gray?”
“It is a code.”
“Oh um ok” i said as i turn and began to walk towards the door. I opened the door to a little drain with water running through the center. I walked to the end where there were some bars that the water was pouring out of and i then i pulled them off. I then crawled through the opening as stood up straight as i look at the market area in front of me. I walked across the road to the market looking for the restaurant. I looked for a few minutes and i found it.